Identity Mission

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Introducing Identity Mission's New COO!

Welcome Erica Switzer to the Identity Mission team!  

After a year of praying and searching for a Chief Operating Officer that could assist us in tackling some of the responsibilities of operating the organizational aspects of Identity Mission, we are more than overjoyed and honored to receive the Lord's provision of Erica Switzer as our new COO!

Jorge and I met Erica and her husband Stephen several years ago during one of their travels to Honduras.  She'd been traveling to Honduras since the age of 14, and we immediately could detect that sweet love of Honduras that had developed over that time. Stephen's proposal for marriage even took place in Honduras! (Though that was before we knew them.)  It only took that one, initial meeting to know that they had a  mutual vision in reaching the country with the love of Christ and that we had just met a couple that would also be dear friends.  

Then, during my recent trip to the U.S. for fundraising, the Lord gave us an absolutely precious moment; as we discussed orphan care and the direction of Identity Mission it was obvious God was connecting us again.  This time it was in a more prominent way; a manner that would answer our previous year of deep prayer for a partner in the work of the ministry and equally answer Erica's prayer to be involved even more in the work of orphan care in Honduras.  

As COO, Erica will use her talents in social media to provide more exceptional communication to all IM's partners and supporters.  She will assist us in enhancing how we raise awareness to the Christian community of better orphan care and how we all should respond properly to the orphan crisis; IM's involvement in orphan care, and a wider view of what God is doing in Honduras in answering the orphan cry and bringing solutions to vulnerable children.  Her education in Global Studies, understanding of Honduran culture, and experience in social media and marketing makes her an exceptionally valuable addition to our team! Erica and Stephen currently reside in Raleigh and attend Journey Church where Stephen is the high school pastor.  They even bring those students (like 50!) down to Honduras once a year for a mission's trip.  

We are delighted to see how God has orchestrated all the aspects of Identity Mission and continues to bring us folks that will equip us, even more, to successfully see more vulnerable children placed into families; each piece involved in Identity Mission is based on that goal and each person involved plays a part in that effort.  Thank you, Erica, for joining us, and thank you each friend for continuing to partner with all of us in the cause of the fatherless.

Be on the lookout for emails from Erica.  She will be communicating to you via  Save the address in your contacts, please!  Many of Identity Mission's communications (newsletters, thank you letters, tax receipts, etc.) will now come to you from Erica.  Thank you!

By Grace,

Tara Boshart Garcia